Thursday, April 11, 2013

When things are looking down and you start to give up, DONT

When you out there trying to make something from their are the times when u want to give up. All that work you be putting and you dont see no progress it gets to you. Must #Remember this is what starting from nothing is. its moving slower than a turtle taking your time to see what how err body else is doing.
#Remember what they are doing, think about what and how they are doing it and most important learn from it. 

For example my personal experience. Iv been trying to get this website up and developed professionally. calling around getting estimates quotes, directions to places i can go to learn how to do it my self. After all the looking around not finding much but dead end after dead end it started too get to me started to think this 24year old millionaire dream might not happen i took a seat and did the worst thing anybody could do I let all the regetions and dead ends get to me. #Damn /:

This morning I got a call from some 800 number waking me so already upset someones waking me up i answer "WHO IS THIS?"  "Hello this is something Brook from Facebook (Facebook? I let em finish) Is this Joe with"

Long story short somehow they came upon my website and my Facebook page (GGGent Entertainment, like it on facebook ~Please & Thank You~) and belive it has some potentail and would like to parter up with up me. Yes of course for a small fee.
What I got out of the call was that I have something one of the biggest names in the world is intreasted in what I got. How motivating is that? #Motivation

Back to the beginning, when things are looking down and you start to give up DONT all that work you put in pays off. HARD WORK PAY OFF, NO HARD WORK PAYS DAMN GOOD!!! 

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