Friday, July 25, 2014

See What Can Be Not What Is

     When you are out looking for an investment you must ask yourself, what can this be? When you are out looking for that next investment it is best to be patient. You should be out looking for a "piece of junk". Something that you can transform into dollar signs. Visualize what your investments future can hold under your supervision, not what it is right now. Again you must be patient. Its your investment how much work and patience you put into it is what you are going to get out of it.

   When you are working at a job any job something that's paying minume wage or a job that you are looking at as a career, you should always take it seriously. Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to be the boss? Did you tell yourself yes I want to be a millionaire, yes I want to be the boss.
     This is what you have to do, act as if everything in the company affects you. Make your job your business. Take pride in not only your job but your work place too. If you see something on the floor pick it up. You see something out of place not where it belongs, put it it back to where it goes. If you finish your job early do not sit at your desk playing games, get up and go ask the real boss man if you can help him with anything or if their is anything else you can do. The boss will see that you are capable to take on more responsibility and eventually give you a promotion.

See What Can Be Not What IS
whether you are making investments or working your way to becoming the boss, See What Can Be Not What IS. If you are making that investment look at "junk" as dollar signs. If you turn nothing into something, well it was just said it is something. Something you will either be very proud of or something that will definatley make you alot of money. Who knows maybe even both.
If you are on your way to be coming the boss, its very simple. Go above and beyond. Act as if everything in the company affects you. Make your job your business. Take pride in not only your job but your work place too.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Confidence:       Full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing:
You have the ability to succeed.

     When you are meeting new people some people are shy. They may be intimidated by the person for some strange reason. Some people do have hard time talking strangers because for one they don't know what to say or they don't want o say the wrong thing. Offend the person or make them self's look foolish. 
     When you are talking to someone for the first time the other fellow may look frightfully big or powerful but he is still a human being with essentially the same interest, desires and problems as you. "Your just two important people sitting down to discuss something of mutual interest and benefit."

Three simple steps to become more confident when talking to people
  1. Be a front seater: When you go out in public places have you ever noticed that the back of the rooms fill up first? This is due to the fact that most people don't like to be noticed. Well guess what? Its the successful people who get noticed!! Make yourself stand out enjoy the fact that people see you. It builds confidence once you know that people know who you are.     
  2. Make eye contact: How a person uses their eyes tells alot about an individual. The eyes never lie. Eye contact says two things. The person not making eye contact says that they feel week next to you, inferior. Or its the persons way of saying that they are guilty of something.                                                 "You say nothing good about yourself when you avoid eye contact. You say, "I'm afraid. I lack confidence." Conquer this fear by making yourself look the other person in the eyes."
  3. Be faster: You can change your attitude by changing your posture and speed. Walk 25 percent faster and you will build confidence. Throw your shoulders back, lift up your head, mlve ahead jsut a little faster and feel the confidence grow. When go faster you are moving as if you are on a mission and you are not going to let anything stop you. People will look at you differently. As in lets not stop him or get in his way
Also you can become more confident with a smile :) 
A big smile give you confidence. A big smile beats fear rolls away worry and the idea of defeat.


By David J. Schwartz

Monday, July 21, 2014

Fear is Real!!! Types Of Fear.

     Yes fear is real. You must recognize it before you can conqueror it. Fear comes in all forms and shapes... Worry, tension, embarrassment, panic so on so on. These all stem from a negative imagination. The old "Its all in your mind", statement states that fear do not exit. Oh but it does exist. Fear is real, and fear is successes number one enemy. Fear stop people from taking advantage of the opportunities that are right in front of them. What are you scared of? Being embarrassed? Fear is a powerful force that prevents millions of people from accomplishing their goals and becoming successful.
Types of Fear

  1. Self Image: Improve it go get a haircut. Go to the mall and buy a new pair of shoes, treat yourself to a new out fit or two. something that you know will have you looking good and feeling good about yourself.
  2. Lost: Keep your head on straight. don't have everything scattered all around, keep the same things together. There is all so the fear of losing someone close. People do get sick and pass away. My best suggestion to you would be embrace the fact knowing people are not around forever. A freak accident can happen so before it does enjoy every moment you have with the people that are close to you.
  3. Failure: Stop worrying about failing and prepare for success!
  4. What other might say: Remember no one has every done anything worthwhile or important and never received anything bad said against them.
  5. People: The people that are "scary" they are just like you, just different. Like Biggie Smalls said "Picture me being scared of nigga who breathes the same air as me." You cant be scared of people. 
Action cures fear. Indecision, postponement, on the other hand, fertilize it. 
Action Cures Fear.
     Their is a kid who is has just learned how to swim, he is still scared of the diving board on the deep end. All he has to do is jump off the diving board into the water and he will see that is is no big deal. At this point this is where alot of people just need a little push. With or without the push conquering fear is as simple as making the jump. "The leap of faith". 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Four Common Excuses; Excuses Don't Make Em!

Four Common Excuses
  1. Ones health
  2. Intelligence, Im not smart enough.
  3. Age, Your never to old.
  4. Bad Luck, No such thing as bad luck
     The most successful people are the people who do not make excuses! People who do make excuses constantly suffer from a mind deadening thought disease. These people are the ones that are quick to explain why they have not accomplished what they have set out to. If you are looking forward to becoming successful stay away from these people. 
     The people who say they are not healthy enough. Ya some people really may not be healthy enough, so those people don't count. But other than them the people who are saying they are not smart enough, they are to old, or my favorite they have bad luck. Stay away from these people and their will be one less obstacle in your way of becoming successful.

     1.Ones Health: You have two ways of meeting health problems.Their is this guy who was not even sure he was sick but he was so worried, depressed, that he may have been sick he gave up on everything until he actually became sick. 
     On the other hand their was a guy who was terribly sick with complicated heart problems. Knowing his time was limited he didn't sit down and let himself die. He was even more motivated eager to do something. 
     The difference is in how they thought about their own health.One gentlemen had Mr.Positive working his thoughts and the other less fortunate guy had Mr. Negative working his thoughts.

     2. Intelligence: What really matters is not how much intelligence you have but how you use what you do have.The thinking that guides your intelligence is much more important than how smart you are. Knowlege is only potential power, it is only power once it is being put to use constructive. 
     Henry Ford taught use a great lesson, if you ever payed attention to him. he knew what every major executive knoes; the ability to know how to get information is more important than using the mind as a gargae for facts. 
     "What I want around me are people who can solve problems, who can think up Ideas. People who can dream and then develop the dream into a practical application; an idea man can make money with me, a fact man can not. 

     3. Age Excuses: When beat down your fears of age limitations you add years to your life as well as success. How old you are is not important. It's ones attitude toward age that makes it a blessing or not. 
     When does someones productive life begin? I would say right around the age of twenty. Ok, so when does a mans productive age stop? Well if the person stays in shape and likes his field of work id say around the age of seventy. 
     So lets say a mans productive life stretches from the ages of 20-70. That is 50 years of living a productive life. How many years of your productive life have you spent? Your never to old to start something.

      4. Bad Luck: Their is no such thing as bad luck. All luck is is patience, carefully planned work met with the right opportunity. "There is a cause for everything. Nothing happens without a cause. There is nothing accidental about the weather outside today. It is  result of specific causes."
     Practice makes perfect. Do you really think a pitch who strikes every batter out gets lucky every single pitch? No, the pitcher is practicing his throws probably every single day for hours at a time too. So when it comes time to strike every single batter out. Its not luck it is skill practice met with the right opportunity.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative

     The brain processes things in two way, positively and negatively. You can call these two forms of thinking Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative. Both Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative are working in the same factory "The Thought Maker", your brain. Both of them are working to be number one in the business, making your thoughts come to a reality.
     Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative are both very attentive, and obidiant to the Boss (YOU). You see something you automatically start to think. for example it raining outside. BOOM Mr. Positive and Negative are off to work. Mr. Positive thinks great its raining out side I will get everything i had to do inside accomplished,. When i'm done i'l probable sit back and relax maybe watch a good movie or two on Netflix.
     Mr. Negative on the other hand will come in and make you think, darn its raining outside leaving me stuck inside, today is going to be such a drag what a waist of a day. My game of golf is going to have to be rescheduled. Mr. Negative is tremendously efficient within just a few thoughts you got yourself thinking that today was a bad day.
     If you put Mr. Positive to work just a little bit harder Mr. Negative will become obsolite. Yes this also works vice versa but if you want your thoughts work the right way for you you will make Mr. Positive put that little extra work in. After time Mr. Positive puts all that extra work in and receives that promotion. Now Mr. negative is obsolite and Mr. Positive has more positive workers working on positive thoughts your brain will automatically have positive, reassuring, over all good thoughts come to you. If you think good thoughts good things will come your way.

~Think negativley and fail, Think Positive and succeed~

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Old Rules

Old Rules???
"People like me play a different set of rules from what you play by."
~Rich Dad Poor Dad~
     What Happens when a corporation announces a downsizing?  People get laid off, families are hurt and unemployment goes up.

     What happens to the company? The price of the stock usually goes up when the downsizing is announced. The market likes it when a company reduces its labor cost.

     That right when the stock price goes up, people like me, the shareholders get rich. That is what is meant by a different set of rules. Employees lose; Owners and investors win.

     "It is the difference between an employee an employer, but also the difference between Controlling your destiny and giving up that control of someone else."

"That is why it is foolish to say to a child, " Get a good education," 
It is foolish to assume that the education, school system provides will prepare your children for the world they will face. 
Each child needs more education. Different Education, they need to know the rule in which the rich play by.