Thursday, June 13, 2013

Affilate Forum


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    Posted 26 February 2013 - 06:12 PM
    Okay...don't laugh.  :)

    I decided to sign up for a course by an affiliate marketing guru. I just had to see what the heck it was all about.

    I guess I've watched these people over the 16+ years I've been online, claiming that they make tons of money just by promoting products and reaping affiliate commissions and my curiosity got the best of me.

    Affiliate Marketing is it a scam?

    Is It a Scam?

    Affiliate marketing. 
    Is this style of marketing an extraordinary way to make money online?
    Or it it just another scam? 

    In the research I have done so far I have discovered that... 
    "NO Affiliate Marketing is not a scam! But YES you can be scammed."  

    Like I have said before in a previous post (Affiliate Marketing) when you decide to be came an affiliate you have just decided to become a middle man. You somehow have introduce your self, signed up with an affiliate company to sell their products. The company doesn't have time for this to go out meet new people, customers, they have to produce the product. But you on the other hand you do have time for this. You have all the time in the world to go out and sell it for them. (No You Dont Time Is Money)

    Like any thing else you get what what you put in.
    If you trying this to become a millionaire over don't hold your breath 
    Their is a good chance you may be scammed!

    As an Affiliate marketer you are setting up links all over the place. The internet is endless so yes all over the 
    place (That is only if you are putting in the leg work and not trying to be scammed.) Once a link is set you track your links and wallah you are paid. (Not exactly like that.) Unfortunately, there are ways that customers can either intentionally "avoid" giving you credit for your link & Their are ways where other affiliate marketers can come hijack your commission and take your credit.

    If any of this was helpful post a comment or share.
    "NO Affiliate Marketing is not a scam! But YES you can be scammed."
    Like any thing else you get what what you put in.

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    Introducing the AdSense 10 Challenge - Inside AdSense

    If your new to AdSense like me and you want to be able to get a better grasp and understanding of what the hell is going on, patiently wait for this challenge. Don't sit around doing nothing till then who knows maybe you will be able to figure this thing out before then.
    Their is money to be made with AdSense learn how to
     make some money by sitting at home outside beside your pool  in your boxers.
     Dont work harder work smarter.

    Saturday, June 1, 2013

    Online path to Success

    What does the path to success look like?

    The path to success is a very slow upward curve. Success is the result of a long period of small improvements.I know you want real numbers and exact times and amounts of work. The following scenario is what I've experienced, and what I've observed among friends and colleagues who've endeavoured to make money on the Internet. Note that this scenario is for someone who puts in serious effort, not just a weekend here and there.

    The first month: You're excited about creating your website. It's new and interesting. You work hard, creating the basic pages of the site, and writing your first articles.
    No one comes to your site, but that doesn't bother you.

    1m – 6m ("Website Winter"): The initial rush of enthusiasm has worn off. You've put in a lot of work, but you're still getting almost no visitors. A few random people are coming in through obscure Google searches, and through the few links you have. You're making 0-50c a day from a few clicks on your advertising, or maybe you've sold one product.
    Website Winter is the most common stage at which websites die. Not knowing what's ahead, many webmasters become despondent at this point, and give up.
    Regardless of not getting any worthwhile results, you stick with it anyway.

    6m – 12m: You write lots more content for your website, and the size and quality of your site improves significantly. You start to get a few good links from other sites, and you show up on Google for some low-traffic searches. You break through the 100-visitors-a-day mark. The first trickle of money has started coming in. It's under $10 a day, but it's something you can see, and can improve.

    1y – 3y: Your website is now a serious resource, with a significant amount of high-quality information. You've had a small but tangible stream of income for a while now, and you begin to make your site more efficient. You start marketing your products better, or maybe you get better at deploying advertising on your site. You test new sources of revenue. Your profit starts to multiply.
    You break through the 1,000 visitors a day mark, and your site churns out $100+ a week.
    You know how it all works now, and you can see that your $100 a week could soon turn into a liveable wage.
    You keep working on your site, and your income eventually hits the point at which you can live off it.

    3y – 5y and beyond: Having succeeded at making money online, many of the people who get to this stage actually stop here. They just sit back, and live off their website. It's been hard work, and they've already reached the most important milestone. You can't blame them.
    If you choose to continue here, you find it becomes easier and easier to make money. You've become very adept at marketing, Internet commerce, and website technology. With your comprehensive knowledge of your field, you can see new and greater opportunities, or new websites or ventures.
    You become one of the very small number of people to achieve serious wealth online.

    If You have or know something that people must have or need to know then yes your online adventure is going to become a lot more exiting than others very quickly. 
    Best of luck with your online money making

    (More information Google Daniel Piechnick)
    Post a comment leave a questions for me to answer 4you.