Thursday, April 13, 2017

Something Has Been Telling Me

Hello World,

Something has been telling me to get back to this blog. this one and my other one I started #GGGent_Life. Anyways Im back and it better be for more than just this one post.

Yes I am going to give this a try what do I have to loose? Naa what do I have to gain from this? Knowledge I can learn a lot from this opportunity. Some of the things I have learned already......

Negotiating with Sharks

Think like and investor. To deal with a shark successfully you must think like one and have the stones to boss up like one.

1. When you talk to a shark remember you are not talking to a bank. These people are not boring.
2.Check your ego at the door. These people eat little people for fun. These people are not the same        people you talk to every now and then about money.

3. You have an idea? You have an idea that you want to present to a shark? what have you done to execute it.

Private Equity Investors (PEI)

1.Venture Capitalist. "What is a Venture Capitalist
A venture capitalist is an investor who either provides capital to startup ventures or supports small companies that wish to expand but do not have access to equities markets. Venture capitalists are willing to invest in such companies because they can earn a massive return on their investments if these companies are a success.
Venture capitalists also experience major losses when their picks fail, but these investors are typically wealthy enough that they can afford to take the risks associated with funding young, unproven companies that appear to have a great idea and a great management team."



2. Angels. These type of people have a high, very high new worth. They tent to invest more money than the average investor. They do that because these type of people or for today lets say Sharks. These Sharks are seeking a significantly above average return. That means alot more more than you can imagine. For both you and them. 

Waters of Investment: 

1. Early Stage - Very Early. Sharks enjoy investing in early developing companies due to the fact that from the ground the only place to is up. Get Money.

"Why am I going to make it?I know know what I'm doing."

Remember an Angel investor or Shark is with till the end. They need you to succeed. Get a shark you are good to go.

Sharks are looking for an investment! the rule of "10 x" They are looking for and investment they can ten fold their money with. You are not paying a Shark back. You ae making money together.

Things to Ask Yourself

Before you go swimming with these dangerous creatures "Sharks", ask yourself.
1. What problem is being solved?
2. What is the reason for this demand?
3. Nobody needs anything so what makes your product so Cool?
4. Where is your products ability to serve the market.
5. Most important question, How are you going to generate revenue? What is your revenue plan?
6. Who buys this product?
7. Your ability to pull this off.

"If you tried and failed, tossed the salt. That is only Practice for your pitch."
"Cool exercise is practice. Just Do It"

Most Sharks take deals that are products. The problem with products is as followed.
  1. Costly to fill supply chain.
  2. Product may not be a company.
  3. filling the supply chain is idle money.
The supply chain: Maunufacture > Shipping > Warehouse > Retailer

"Valuation math. You the company ask for (money) divide money by percent of your company you are willing to share = Valuation.
(Considered post money valuation.)
You ask for $100,000 for 10% = Valuation of million dollars after you get the money."

  • What resinates with everyday America?
  • Technology is a servicable product.
  • A good paten/ Copywrite will cost you about $40,000
  • Have Your Business WELL documented.
  • Be Prepared
  • Have a Support Team.
  • This Shit is real!

Prepare | Prepare | Prepare

If you ever believe in yourself enough and find your self trying to reel in a Shark.

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