How am i going to make this happen? Last year I read a book, I cant rememeber the exact title of it or who it was by. It was somthing like "online marketing for dummies". Im not the smartest but im pretty sure i may be one of the most motivated. I have nothing that i can say is "mine" other than a small lil spot on the internet. That small lil spot is my website
This online marketing book for dummies talked about how you can make money online thru affiliate programming. Hummmmm.... All I gotta do is have a website (or blog) that's interesting and others will want to advertise on it, ok im with. Ever since i was younger i always been on this same shit. "When I eat, we all Eat!"
My website site, I cant give away all the secrets to how im going to make it work but i can show you the basics of it. (G)ames (G)oals (G)arbs (ENT)netertainment.
-Games: Err body likes to play games, Recently enrolled in school for game development & design.
-Goals: Act like you dont have goals that you dont want to get accomplished. Anyways this is a place for you to talk about your goals and other to encourage you to get them accomplished.
-Garbs: Err body also wheres cloths. Fashion is huge marketable niche. Lucky for me I have this girl who is all about getting this part of my company up and running to its maximum potential.
Entertainment: Is the hardest part of the entire website to get up and devolped. Once this part is up and operational it will be the most profitable (In my projected vision)
Everbody love to be entertained.
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