When you are out looking for an investment you must ask yourself, what can this be? When you are out looking for that next investment it is best to be patient. You should be out looking for a "piece of junk". Something that you can transform into dollar signs. Visualize what your investments future can hold under your supervision, not what it is right now. Again you must be patient. Its your investment how much work and patience you put into it is what you are going to get out of it.
When you are working at a job any job something that's paying minume wage or a job that you are looking at as a career, you should always take it seriously. Do you want to be a millionaire? Do you want to be the boss? Did you tell yourself yes I want to be a millionaire, yes I want to be the boss.
This is what you have to do, act as if everything in the company affects you. Make your job your business. Take pride in not only your job but your work place too. If you see something on the floor pick it up. You see something out of place not where it belongs, put it it back to where it goes. If you finish your job early do not sit at your desk playing games, get up and go ask the real boss man if you can help him with anything or if their is anything else you can do. The boss will see that you are capable to take on more responsibility and eventually give you a promotion.
See What Can Be Not What IS
whether you are making investments or working your way to becoming the boss, See What Can Be Not What IS. If you are making that investment look at "junk" as dollar signs. If you turn nothing into something, well it was just said it is something. Something you will either be very proud of or something that will definatley make you alot of money. Who knows maybe even both.
If you are on your way to be coming the boss, its very simple. Go above and beyond. Act as if everything in the company affects you. Make your job your business. Take pride in not only your job but your work place too.